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Report on the situation on the rights of women in migration and their children in mexico submitted to the committee on the elimination of discrimination against women

Shadow Report CEDAW/C/MEX/9. Inglés
Report on the situation on the rights of women in migration and their children in mexico
Colectivo Migraciones para las Américas e IMUMI

This proposal is the result of the participatory work of several organizations, networks and human rights defenders working with migrants and persons subject to international protection in Mexico, North America and Central America.

It is a document prepared by the Colectivo Migraciones para las Américas which aims to submit updated information to the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (the Committee) on the situation of women in migration in Mexico. It includes some of the main challenges and points of concern that civil society has identified through its work. It also proposes issues to be addressed by Mexico in its Presentation of the Ninth Periodic Report on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

The work carried out by Institute for Women in Migration (IMUMI) under the UN Women project Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Migrant Women Workers within the National and International Human Rights Mechanisms to Improve Accountability, sponsored by the European Union, has been a valuable input in the development of this report.


Report on the situation on the rights of women in migration and their children in mexico submitted to the committee on the elimination of discrimination against women
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